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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/27/2017

Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman John Robertson in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: John Robertson, Michael Genest, Robert L. Edwards
Staff Present: Donna Hanson
Others Present: Attorney Justin Richardson, John Murphy of GZA Geo environmental, Inc., Jack Kenworthy and John Soininen of Antrim Wind Energy, LLC., Mr. Victor Rosansky of Incubator/Co-Working Space Committee

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of February 6, 2017, 2017.  Mr. Genest seconded.  Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of February 14, 2017.  Mr. Roberts seconded.  Passed 2/0. Mr. Genest was unable to attend the February 14, 2017 meeting.
  • Mr. Murphy of GZA reviewed his recommendations for Antrim Wind’s decommissioning plan and cost estimate. Mr. Murphy recommended budgeting an additional $383,000 for Permitting & Approvals, Reclamation Monitoring, Payment & Performance Bond, Town Administration Allowance and a 5% Contingency. Mr. Kenworthy said that while they agree that a number of the recommendations are reasonable they do not agree with the proposed additional contingency because the cost of salvage could cover the contingency. Attorney Richardson noted that salvage could not be used in the decommissioning plan under the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) rules. Mr. Edwards asked what the industry standard was for contingency. Mr. Murphy stated that as a rule, GZA uses the range of 5-15%. Mr. Murphy added that there is no way to know the future salvage value. Mr. Genest moved that the Board of Selectmen conditionally approve Antrim Wind Energy, LLC’s request for approval of its Decommissioning Plan and Decommissioning Cost Estimate dated January 4, 2017, subject to the condition that, prior to commencement of construction, Antrim Wind Energy, LLC (AWE) agrees in writing to the recommendations in the GZA Geo Environmental report dated February 17, 2017. Attorney Richards read the list of recommendations as stated above. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Robertson read the proposal submitted by Antrim Wind Energy, LLC (AWE) requesting a one year extension of the PILOT Agreement in exchange for a $20,000 payment at the time of execution of the amendment. The proposal also stated that an additional $30,000 is payable six months after the date of execution of the amendment. In addition, if the project has not commenced commercial operation by December 31, 2018 an additional payment of $50,000 would be made. Mr. Robertson said there would be discussion tonight on the proposal and then the selectboard would decide if a public hearing is needed. Mr. Edwards stated that the proposal says this is the maximum financial consideration AWE can agree to and asked if this is so, was there a reason to continue discussions? Mr. Kenworthy stated that they will listen to the town but at this point since there is no counter proposal, he can’t agree to anything. Mr. Edwards asked if payments could be made up front to help to recoup the Town’s legal costs in place of the proposed staggered payments of $20,000 and $30,000. Attorney Richardson stated that when the project was originally proposed there was no way to know how high the Town’s legal fees would be. Mr. Kenworthy stated that when the project is complete the town will see the benefits and that AWE should not have to pick up the full cost of the legal fees. Mr. Edwards suggested AWE could pay 85% of the cost. Mr. Genest suggested AWE make an up front payment of $100,000 to cover the town’s wind farm related legal fees incurred over the last eight years. Mr. Edwards asked Mr. Kenworthy why the transition year payment would be cut in half. Mr. Kenworthy said it was agreed to because there would be lower production in the first three to six months of operation and the town would not be paying the school portion tax based on the actual value until the following year. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Roberts said they could agree with the $100,000 that Mr. Genest suggested but would like to continue the discussion at the next meeting scheduled for March 6, 2017.
  • Mr. Rosansky discussed the Greater Antrim Entrepreneurs’ workshop which the Business Incubator/Co-Working Space Committee is launching. The committee was one of six action groups formed during the Antrim 2020 Initiative. There will be six workshops to help entrepreneurs jump start businesses in the area. Mr. Rosansky asked for support from the Board of Selectmen to reimburse some of the costs associated with the committee. He also said they would like to obtain grants in the future and that to be successful the committee would most likely need to be under the control of the town. The Board of Selectmen suggested he submit his requests to the Planning Board since Antrim 2020 is a subcommittee of the Planning Board.
After no further business Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Mr. Genest seconded.  Passed 3/0

Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson